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When you want to sell your home, you will certainly have feelings about your house. However, whether your feelings are good or bad, the last thing you want to do is share your thoughts with prospective buyers. Far too many sellers accidentally say the wrong thing, even with the best intentions, only to kill the sale. As such, we recommend reviewing these eight things to not say to a home buyer.
If you say you want to sell quickly, you are put on the offensive because the buyer will assume they can give you a lowball offer. On the other hand, if you say you are not in a hurry to sell, the buyer may choose a different house because they will assume you will not want to negotiate on the sales price.
Describing the perks of your neighborhood could be the exact opposite of what the buyer wants. Therefore, it is better not to say anything because you do not know the buyer or what they are looking for in a house.
Some sellers want to be honest and will say something negative about their reason for wanting to sell their home, such as:
For starters, if you put the thought of “the house is too small” in a buyer’s head, they may start to think it is, even when it meets their current needs. Next, saying a loved one died or you are getting divorced are both sad events. No one wants to buy a house when they know the reason for selling is tied to a sad event.
While you may have put in a new air conditioning or new appliances, the term new is relative depending on the buyer. Some buyers may expect new to mean within the past six months. So, while it might seem new to you, you are better off not saying anything. Instead, list the current age of the “new” items in the details of your listing.
Another mistake sellers make when talking to potential buyers is bringing up negatives about the home. Sure, your home may lack storage space or the kitchen is too small for your liking. However, that does not mean a buyer won’t find your house has plenty of storage space for their needs or for them the kitchen is the perfect size.
Sharing details to a buyer that you are buying another home and are already in negotiations is a huge mistake. The buyer may assume you are motivated to sell and will submit a much lower offer. As such, it is better not to share this detail and keep it to yourself.
When you list your home with a real estate agent, part of the staging process is ensuring the house is clean and ready for viewing. However, many home sellers do not keep up with cleaning chores after the home is on the market.
Making excuses to potential buyers when they view your home about why something hasn’t been cleaned is a big turn-off. Therefore, you need to ensure you keep your home clean and odor-free until it sells.
Whether the buyer is your first or fiftieth viewer, you should avoid telling them. Knowing how many people have viewed your home can play against you. For instance, if they are the fiftieth, they may question what is wrong with your home or assume it is overpriced. Conversely, when they know they are the first to view it, they may not be in as big a hurry to make an offer.
When you want to sell your home quickly without hiring a listing agent, it is easy to get cash offers from a motivated cash buyer in your area by visiting 800CashToday. You are never under any obligation to accept their offer.
Should you decide to accept an offer, our sellers also gain these great benefits:
To get your no-obligation cash offer, call us today. Do not hesitate to contact 800CashToday at (800) 277-4863 if you have any questions.